Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/610

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Beds " of the Keuper in the counties of Somerset and Devon, 50.

Cumberland, Mr. Mackintosh on the drifts of part of, 407.

Cupressites MacHenrii, 359, 361.

Dakosaurus from the Kimmeridge clay of Shotover Hill, Mr. J. Wood Mason on, 15, 218.

Dakosaurus, identity of, with Steneosaurus, 397, 399.

Dane, river, section across the anticlinal of the valley of the, 178.

Dartmoor, results of the bedding, joints, and spheroidal structure of the granite of the eastern side of, 273.

Davidson, Mr. T., note on Terebratula diphya and its allies, 306.

Dawkins, Mr. W. Boyd, on the distribution of British Postglacial Mammals, 192.

Dawlish, section through, 155.

Dawson, Prof. J. W., on the graphite of the Laurentian of Canada, 406.

Deer, remains of, at Shrub Hill, 452.

Dehemi, Peak of, 32.

Delta of the Hwangho and Yangtse, 136.

Deltas, formation of, Mr. A. Tylor on the, 7.

Denudation, aqueous, of the Tungting limestones, 122 ; in Abyssinia, 405; Mr. Mackintosh on, 417.

Devon, on pseudomorphous crystals of chloride of sodium in the " Waterstone Beds " of the Keuper in, 50 ; on the succession of beds in the " New Red" on the south coast of, 152.

Dicotyledonous plants from Antrim, 359.

Dicynodon strata, 169.

Djebel Osmer, section through, 245.

Donations to the Library, viii, 101, 221, 363, 461.

Dordonian stage, 239, 242, 244, 246.

Dorset, large Saurian humerus from the Kimmeridge clay of the coast of, 386.

Downlands Landslip, section along the South-Devon cliffs from, to Babbacombe Bay, 155.

Drewsteignton Logan, 279.

Drift, granitic, direction and derivation of the flow of, in North-west Lancashire, 429.

Drift of the county of Hastings, Canada West, 263.

Drifts of North-west Lancashire and part of Cumberland, Mr. Mackintosh on the, 407 ; between Lancaster and Carnforth, 415.

Duncan, Dr. P. Martin, on the anatomy of the test of Amphidetus (Echinocardium) virginianus, Forbes, and on the genus Breynia, 16 ; on the Echinodermata, bivalve mollusca, and some other fossil species from the Cretaceous rocks of Sinai, 44.

Dunnerholme, drift-capping of, 425.

Du Noyer, Mr. G. V., on flint flakes from Carrickfergus and Larne, 48.

Durham, Permian beds of, 176.

Eagberg Rockery, 411.

East Mill Tor, 276.

Echinodermata from the Cretaceous rocks of Sinai, 44.

Egerton, Sir P. Grey, on two new species of Gryrodus, 379.

Egypt, Nummulitic rocks from. Prof. T. Rupert Jones on some specimens of, 38.

—, nummulitic limestone of, on the occurrence of Celestine in, 40.

Elephas primigenius, teeth of, at Thetford, 452.

El Laggam, 24.

Endogenous plants from Antrim, 359. " End-slant," 256.

England, Cretaceous strata of, 237.

—, fossil myriopods of the Coal- formations of, 441.

—, south-east of, connexion of the geological structure and physical features of the, with the consumption death-rate, 431.

Ennerdale and Buttermere, Syenitic porphyry between, 437.

Eozoonal rock, Prof. W. King and Dr. T. H. Rowney on the so-called, 115.

Erith pit, sections in, 86, 87, 88.

Erith, section of the Cyrena-pit at, 85.

Escarpments, drift, origin of, 418.

Eurypterus, occurrence of, in the Upper Silurian rocks in Herefordshire, 235.

Exmouth, section through, 155.

Fagus, 359.

Fuhkien, porphyry in, 124.

Felstone of Venezuelan Guyana, 345.

Felstone-porphyry of Carrock Fell, 438.

Feltwell, flint implements at, 451.

Ferran, Wady, 24, 36, 37, 44.

Flemingites, 253.

Flint flakes from Carrickfergus and Larne, Mr. G. V. Du Noyer on, 48.

Flint implements, distribution of, in the drift, 272, 449.

Flitcham, gault at, 190.

Floods in the Island of Bequia, Mr. G. M. Browne on, 12.