Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/611

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Flower, Mr. J. W., on the distribution of flint implements in the drift, with reference to some recent discoveries in Norfolk and Suffolk, 272, 449.

Fossils, land and freshwater Mollusca, from gravels, table of, 99. Fossils from the Menevian group, 51 ; from the Red Chalk, 187 ; from the Carstone, 189 ; from the Upper Tungting grits, 121 ; of the Cretaceous beds of Algeria, 244 ; from the Cretaceous rocks of Sinai, 44 ; of the Tungting Limestones, 126.

Foster, Dr. C. Le Neve, on the Caratal gold-field, 336.

Foster, Dr. C. Le Neve, and Mr. H. Bauermann, on the occurrence of Celestine in the Nummulitic Limestone of Egypt, 40.

France, Cretaceous strata of, 237.

Freshwater Grate, Isle of Wight, section of cliff east of, 82.

Furlong, spheroidal masses of granite at, 278.

Furness, map of drifts of the peninsula of, 409.

Fur Tor, 276.

Fuveau, section of the freshwater Upper Cretaceous beds of, 242.

Gabbro, 337.

Galena, associated with gold in the " Nuggetty Reef," 335 ; occurrence of, in Hasting's County, Canada West, 271.

Gardonian stage, 239, 241, 246.

Gault and Red Chalk, comparison of composition of, 190.

Gault in Provence, 241, 244, 246.

Gavial-hke Saurian from Kimmeridge Bay, Mr, J. W. Hulke on a, 390.

Geological structure of North-western Siberia and Russia in Europe, comparison of the, 1 .

Geology of a portion of Abyssinia, Mr. Blanford on the, 401 ; of China, M. T. W. Kingsmill on the, 119 ; of Guyana, in Venezuela, 343, 350 ; of the Cape-York peninsula, Australia, 297; of the country surrounding the Gulf of Cambay, 441 ; of the county of Hastings, Canada West, 261 ; of Venezuela, 336.

Geosaurus maximus, 399.

Gharabi, 30, 31, 36, 37.

Gharandel, Wady, 21, 22, 23, 25, 30, 36, 38.

Ghauts, W'^stern, basaltic dykes of the, 164.

Ghenneh, Wady, 32, 35, 36.

Gigantosaurus megalonyx, 389.

Glacial climate, Mr. Murphy on the nature and cause of the, 350.

Glacial period, changes in the sea-level during the, Mr. A. Tylor on, 7.

Glaciation in the county of Hastings, Canada West, 263 ; near Ulverstone, 420.

Glacier of the second order, existence of a, during the Quaternary period in the " cirque " of the valley of Palheres, 46.

Glamorganshire gravels, 66-74.

Glen Roy, geological structure of, 321.

Glen Roy, Prof. James Nicol on the origin of the parallel Roads of, 282.

Gneiss of Venezuelan Guyana, 346.

Gneiss, granitiform rock in decomposed, in Suisgill, 319.

Gold, occurrence of, in Hastings county, Canada West, 266; bismuthic, 335.

Gold-field, Caratal, Dr. Foster on the, 336 ; Mr. R. Tate on the, 345.

Gold-field of Sutherland, 314.

Granite, in mica-schist at Kil-Donnan Lodge, 319, 320 ; of the eastern side of Dartmoor, results of the bedding, joints, and spheroidal structure of the, 273 ; of the Mount- Tarrangower gold-field, 328.

Granites of Kwantung; and Kiangsi, 125.

Granite- veins in the " Nuggetty Reef," 328.

Granitic drift, direction and derivation of the flow of, in North-west Lancashire, 429.

Granitiform rock in decomposed gneiss in Suisgill, 319.

Grantham, Mr. R. B., on the Broads of East Norfolk, their origin, position, and formation in the valleys of the rivers Bure, Yare, and Waveney, 258.

Graphite of the Laurentian of Canada, 406.

Graptolites and allied fossils occurring in Ireland, 158.

Gravel Hill, Brandon, flint implements at, 449, 458 ; plan of, 450.

Gravels, fossiliferous, land and fresh-water Mollusca from, 99 ; quaternary, Mr. A. Tylor on, 57.

Grays, sections at, 83, 96.

Grays Thurrock, Lower Brick-earth at, 212.