Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/612

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Great Urswick, apparent Lithodomous perforations near, 280.

Greda, 337, 340, 341.

Greensand, Upper, at Hunstanton, 191.

Guasipati, section through, 347.

Guyana, in Venezuela, Mr. R. Tate on the geology of, 343, 358.

Gyrodus, Sir P. Grey Egerton, on two new species of, 379.

Gyrodus Goweri, 381.

—coccoderma, 383.

Haematite in the Tungting series, 127 ; of Hastings county, Canada West, 270.

Hammam Faraoun, 24.

Hampsfell, apparent Lithodomous perforations on the east side of, 280 ; rock-work of, 419.

Harmer, Mr. P. W., and Mr. Searles Y. Wood, jun., on a peculiar instance of intraglacial erosion near Norwich, 259, 445.

Hastings, county of, Canada West, geology and mineralogy of the, 261.

Hauwai stream (N.Z.), section through, 14.

Hawaii, volcanic phenomena of, 432.

Herefordshire, occurrence of remains of Eurypterus and Pterygotus in the Upper Silurian rocks in, 235.

Hey Tor, 275, 276.

Hicks, Mr. H., and Mr. J. W. Salter, on some fossils from the " Menevian Group," 51.

High Peak, South Devon, view of, 153 ; section through, 155.

High Willhayse, 276.

Higher Belstone Tor, 274.

Hippopotamus, remains of, at Leeds, 64.

Hippurite limestone in Sinai, 45.

Hirwain Common, section of surface of Lower Carboniferous series at, 73 ; section of Coal-seams squeezed into drifts on, 74.

Holbeck, section at, 65.

Honey -bag Tor, 277.

Hornblendes of Venezuelan Guyana, 346.

" Hornkalk" at Kissingen, 5.

Horse, remains of, at Shrub Hill, 452.

Hound Tor, 274, 276, 277.

Hulke, Mr. J, W., on a large Saurian humerus from the Kimmeridge Clay of the Dorset coast, 386 ; on some fossil remains of a gavial-like Saurian from Kimmeridge Bay, establishing its identity with Cuvier's Deuxieme Gavial d' Honfleur, Tete a museau plus court, and with Quenstedt's Dakosaurus, 390.

Hull, Mr. E., on the evidences of a ridge of Lower Carboniferous rocks crossing the plain of Cheshire beneath the Trias, and forming the boundary between the Permian rocks of the Lancashire type on the north, and those of the Salopian type on the south, 171.

Hunan, Coal-field of 132.

Hunstanton Cliff, section of, 185.

Hunstanton, on the Red Chalk of, 185.

Husseid, Wady, 23, 36.

Hutton, Capt. P. W., description of Nga Tutura, an extinct volcano in New Zealand, 13.

Huxley, Prof. T. H. (President), Address on handing to Mr. H. C. Sorby the Wollaston Medal, xxvii ; address on handing to Mr. W. Carruthers the balance of the Wollaston Donation Fund, xxviii ; Anniversary Address, February 19, 1869, xxviii ; Obituary Notices of Deceased Fellows: — the Rev. S. W. King, xxix ; M. J. Boucher de Crevecoeur de Perthes, xxx ; M. A. Morlot, xxxi ; Prof. J. D. Forbes, xxxii ; Sir David Brewster, xxxv ; Dr. Eugene Francfort. xxxvi ; Dr. H. Porter, xxxvi; the Rev. J. G. Cumming, xxxvii ; Review of the present state of geological speculation, xxxviii.

Huxley, Prof. T. H., on Hyperodapedon, 138 ; on the upper jaw of Megalosaurus, 311 ; on a new Labyrinthodont from Bradford, 309.

Hyperodapedon, on the locality of a new specimen of, 152.

Hyperodapedon, left palato-maxillary of, 145.

Hyperodapedon, Prof. T. H. Huxley on, 138.

Hwangho, alluvial deposits of the, 134, 136.

Hwa-shan, coal-beds of the, 127.

Igneous rocks, intrusive, of the lake- district. Dr. Nicholson on some of the, 435.

Iguanodon Mantelli, supposed skull of a young, 313.

Ilford, Lower Brick-earths at, 212.

Implements, flint, distribution of, in the drifts, 272, 449.

India, basalt dykes of the mainland of, opposite to the islands of Bombay and Salsette, 163.

Insects, fossil, from Antrim, 359.