Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 25.djvu/613

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Intraglacial erosion, peculiar instance of, near Norwich, 259, 445.

Intrusive igneous rocks of the lake- district, Dr. Nicholson on some of the, 435.

Intrusive rocks of Guyana, 348.

Ireland, postglacial mammals of, 207.

Ireleth, section of drifts obtained by boring at, 426.

Iron of the Tungting series, 127.

Iron-ores, occurrence of, in Hastings county, Canada West, 263.

Iron-ore veins, spathose, of the Brendon Hills, on a peculiarity of the, 255.

Isle of Wight, section near Knighton mill, 97 ; section on Brading Down, 98 ; section of cliff at Freshwater Gate in, 82.

Itacama mountains, section through the, 347.

Jebel el Tih, 25, 26.

Jebel Sudder, 21.

Jet in the Cretaceous beds of Provence, 243.

Joass, Rev. J. M., on the Sutherland gold-field, 314.

Joints of the granite on the eastern side of Dartmoor, some of the results of the, 273.

Jones, Prof. T. Rupert, on some specimens of Nummulitic rocks from Arabia and Egypt, 38.

Judd, Mr. J. W., on the origin of the Northampton sand (Title only) , 235.

Kaianoma, Coal-mines at, in the Island of Yezo, 254.

Kawa (N. Z.), section through, 14.

Kerridge, section through, 178.

Kestor, 274, 276.

Keuper, on the " Waterstone Beds " of the, containing pseudomorphous crystals of chloride of sodium, in the counties of Somerset and Devon, 50.

Khalig, Wady, 28.

Kiangsi, Coal-mines of, 132 ; granites of, 125 ; section of the Sui- chang Hills in, 121.

Kiangsu, section of the Kiukiang district in, 122 ; superficial deposits of, 135.

Kil-Donnan, section of alluvial deposits in, 324.

Kil-Donnan Burn, gold-washings in, 323.

Kil-Donnan Lodge, section showing granite in mica-schist at, 319, 320.

Kimmeridge Bay, Mr. Hulke on a Gavial-like Saurian from, 390.

Kimmeridge Clay, large Saurian humerus from the, 386 ; of Shotover Hill, Dakosaurus from, Mr. J. Wood Mason on, 15, 218.

King, Prof. W., and Dr. J. H. Rowney, on the so-called "Eozoonal" rock, 115.

Kingsmill, Mr. T. W., on the geology of China, with more especial reference to the provinces of the Lower Yangtse, 119.

Kintse-schan Pass, 121.

Kissingen, section of a well at, 4.

Kiukiang district, section of the, 122.

Kiukiang, laterite of, 135.

Knaresborough, beds of supposed Rothliengende age near, 291.

Knighton Mill, Isle of Wight, section near, 97.

Kwantung, granites of, 125 ; porphyry in, 125.

La Bedoule, section through, 240.

Labyrinthodont, Prof. Huxley on a new, from Bradford, 309.

Lacustrine Cretaceous beds of Provence, 242.

Lake-basins, origin of, in drifts, 417.

Lake-district, Dr. Nicholson on some of the intrusive igneous rocks of the, 435 ; map of the north-western portion of the, 435.

Lakenheath, flint implements at, 450, 458.

Lancashire, North-west, apparent Lithodomous perforations in, 280.

Lancashire, North-west, Mr. Mackintosh on, 407.

Lancashire type, Permian beds of the, distribution of, 175 ; mineral characters of, 175.

Lancaster and Carnforth, drifts between, 415.

Langstone Point, section through, 155.

Larne, Flint Flakes from, 48. Las Tablas, section from, to Caratal, 347.

Laterite of Kiukiang, 135.

Laurentian limestones of Canada, graphite in the, 406.

Laurentian rocks of the county of Hastings, Canada West, 265.

Le Beausset, section from, to Marseilles, 240.

Lechian, Wady, 30,

Leeds, beds underlying the Magnesian

Limestone from the east of, northwards, 292.

Leeds, remains of Hippopotamus at, 64.

Leigh Bridge, granite masses at, 279.