Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/307

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Lycett, J. On some new Species of Trigonia from the Inferior Oolite of the Cotteswolds, with Preliminary Remarks upon that Genus. 8vo. 1853. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Lyell, C. New York Industrial Exhibition Special Report. 4to. 1854. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Observations on the Loamy Deposit called "Loess" of the Basin of the Rhine. 8vo. 1843. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Supplement to the Fifth Edition of a Manual of Elementary Geology. Second edition. 8vo. 1859. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

M' Andrew, R. On the Geographical Distribution of Testaceous Mollusca in the North Atlantic and neighbouring Seas. 8vo. Liverpool, 1854. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

M' Andrew, R., and Prof. E. Forbes. Notice of new or rare British Animals observed during Cruises in 1845 and 1846. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Mackintosh, D. On the Nature, Correlation, and Mode of Accumulation of the Drift-Deposits of the West Riding of Yorkshire. 8vo. 1870.

Malm, A. W. Zoologiska Observationer. 2dra Haftet. 8vo. Gothenborg, 1853. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Marcou, J. Letter on some points of the Geology of Texas, New Mexico, Kansas, and Nebraska ; addressed to Messrs. F. B. Meek and F. V. Hayden. 8vo. Zurich, 1858. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Martins, M. C, et B. Gastaldi. Essai sur les Terrains Superficiels de la Vallee du Po, aux environs de Turin, compares a ceux de la Plaine Suisse. 8vo. Paris, 1850. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Meneghini, G. Laurea in Scienze Naturali conferita al Sig. Alessandro Spagnolini. 8vo. Pisa, 1857. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Meyer, H. von. Ueber die Reptilien und Saugethiere der verschiedenen Zeiten der Erde. 8vo. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1852. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Migliarini, A. Osservazioni sopra i Numeri che usarono gli Etruschi. 8vo. 1860. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Mojsisovics, E. v. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Cephalopodenfauna der ocnischen Gruppe. 8vo. Wien, 1870.