Page:Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 27.djvu/308

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Morris, J., and T. Rupert Jones. Geology. First Series. 8vo. 1870.

Mortillet, G. de. Histoire de la Savoie avant l'Homme. 8vo. Annecy, 1856. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Murchison, R. I. On the Relative Powers of Glaciers and Floating Icebergs in Modifying the Surface of the Earth. 8vo. 1864. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Murchison, R. I. E. de Verneuil, and A. von Keyserling. On the Geological Structure of the Central and Southern Regions of Russia in Europe and of the Ural Mountains. 8vo. 1842. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Nardi, F. Sullo stato presente dei lavori pel taglio dell' istmo di Suez. 4to. 1867. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Sulle bottiglie galleggianti come mezzo di esplorare le correnti marittime. 4to. 1866. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Nardo, G. D. Sunto di alcune Osservazioni Anatomiche sull intima struttura della cute de' Pesci comparativamente considerata, e sulle cause Fisiologiche e Fisico-Chimiche della loro colorazione e decolorazione. 4to. Venezia, 1853. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Nasmyth, A. Report on a paper on the Cellular Structure of the Ivory, Enamel, and Pulp of the Teeth, as well as of the Epithelium &c. 8vo. 1839. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Nyst, H. Sur les Animaux Inferieurs Fossiles de la Province d'Anvers. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1869.

—. Descriptions succinctes de dix especes nouvelles de Coquilles Fossiles du Crag noir des Environs d'Anvers. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

—. Notice sur un nouveau Gite de Fossiles se rapportant aux especes Faluniennes du Midi de l'Europe, decouverte a Edeghem pres d'Anvers. Presented by Mrs. W. J. Hamilton.

Parfitt, E. Fossil Sponge-spicules in the Greensand of Haldon and Blackdown. 8vo. 1870.

Pascucci, L. Brevi cenni sulle specialita Mattei con sunto delle malattie sanate nella citta di Roma nell' anno 1869. 8vo. Roma, 1870.

Pessina, L. G. Quistioni Naturali e Ricerche Meteorologiche. 8vo. Firenze, 1870.