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lose thy soul, it is thou that must bear the blame. (3.) If thou wilt not run, the people of God are resolved to leave thee behind. It may be, thou hast a father, brother, &c. going post haste to heaven; wouldst thou be willing to be left behind them? Well then, sinner, wilt thou run? Art thou resolved to strip, or art thou not; Then, quickly, man; delay not in this matter. Confer not with flesh and blood. Look up to heaven, and see how thou likest itː also to hell, of which thou mayest understand something in my book, called 'The Groans of a damned soul. If thou dost not know the way, enquire at the word of God. If thou wantest company, cry for God's Spirit. If thou wantesť encouragement, entertain the promises. But be sure thou begin betimes, get into the way, run a-pace, and hold out to the end. And the Lord give thee a prosperous journey. Farewell.

An Epistle to all slothful People.


SOLOMON says, that "the desire of the slothful killeth him.” No greater shame can befal a man, than to see that he has fooled away his soul, and sinned away eternal life. The way to do it is, to be slothful in the work of salvation Slothfulness has these two evils to neglect the time in which it should be getting heaven, and to bring in untimely repentance. He, who shall lose his soul through slothfulness, will have no