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use to be glad thereat, when he comes to hell. "The sluggard will not plough by reason of the world." Prov. xx. 4. That is, he will not break the fallow-ground of his heart, because there must be some pains taken by him that will do it. He that is slothful in the things of this world, is to set about the work he should follow-is willing to make delays will take any small matter a sufficient excuse to keep him off from plying his work-does his work by halves-does usually lose the season, in which things are to be done. And thus it is also with them that are slothful for heaven; they miss the season of race; and therefore they will be chid for the one. “Thou wicked or slothful servant, out of one own mouth will I judge thee; thou saidst, was thus and thus," Luke xix: 22, 23. Where then gavest not thou my money to the bank, Take the unprofitable servant and cast him to outer darkness, Mat. xxv. 26, 30.

What shall I say? Time runs, and will you be slothful? Your souls are worth a thousand worlds, will you be slothful? The curse of God hangs over your heads, and will you be slothful? Would be willing to be damned for slothfulness? Was Christ slothful in the work of your redemption? will this will not move, I tell you, God will not slothful to damn you.

Obj. But if I should set in, and run as you and have me, I must run from all my sins, and the love of my friends. Ans. True; yet if you dost not, thou wilt run into hell fire, and you art sure to lose the love of God, and the best of heaven.

Obj. But surely I may begin this time enough