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a year or two hence? Ans. Hast thou any less of thy life? Dost thou know whether the day grace will last a week longer or no? For the day of grace is past with some before their life is ended. And if it should be so with thee, would not thou say, O that I had begun to run: before the day of grace had been past, and the gates heaven shut against me? But all these are the words of a slothful spirit. Arise, many be slothful no longer Set foot and heart, and all in the way of God, and run. The crown is at the end of the race. There also stands the loving Fore-runner Jesus. O therefore do not delay but put in practice the words of the men of Dan "Arise; for we have seen the land; and behold it is very good: and are ye still?" Do ye forbear running, Judges xviii. 9.


Misery of Uncharitable Persons.

AS the unmerciful are cursed here, so shall the be cursed hereafter. James ii. 13. "He shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy.” Such as have shut up the bowels of compassion against the necessities of the poor, God will shut up his bowels of compassion against them, and let forth his fury upon then they shall have their portion in his plagues an indignation without the least drop, of mercy or pity. And at the day of judgment Christ will say unto them, Mat. xxv. 41. "Depart from m ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the