Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/235

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The CatJiolic Reformation 197 Huber, Johannes, Der Jesuitorden nach seiner Verfassungund Dok- trin, Wirksamkeit und Geschichte charakterisiert, Berlin, 1873. Critical, liberal Catholic in tone. CRETIN AU- J OLY, Histoire religieuse, politique et litteraire de la Com- pagnie de Jesus, 6 vols., 1845-1846, and later editions. In spite of some deficiencies, perhaps the chief work from the Jesuit's standpoint. Bartoli, Delia vita e dell' institute di S. Ignazio, 1650, new ed. 1893. Highly esteemed by the Jesuit scholars. There are good articles on the Jesuits in the Kirchenlexikon and in the Realencyclopadie. For the sources, especially the early lives of Loyola, one should turn to the Acta Sanctorum, July, Vol. VII, where Jesuit scholars have piously collected what is known of their founder. The Acta antiquissima, taken down by Consalvus from Loyola's own dictation, is the best source. For an English translation of this, see under B, above. The Spanish Jesuits are engaged, in their Monu?nenta historica Societatis Jesu, in adding to the material already available (Madrid and Freiburg, 1898 sqq.). They have published many letters of Loyola, Cartas de S. Ignacio de Loyola, 6 vols., 1874-1889. The doctrines of the Jesuits are discussed in Dollinger, Geschichte der Moralstreitigkeiten, 2 vols., 1889. In regard to their great role as confessors, see Lea, History of Confession and Indulgences, Vol. II, especially Chapters XX-XXI. Pascal's famous Provincial Letters are directed against the teachings of the Jesuits. Schafer, E., Beitrdge zur Geschichte des spanischen Protestantismus und der Inquisition im sechzehnten Jahrhtmdert, 3 vols, 1902. Lea, Henry C, The Moriscos of Spain, their Conversion and Expulsion (1901) ; Chapters from the Religious History of Spain con- nected with the Inquisition (1890). These are two by-products of the years of study which Mr. Lea has devoted to the Inquisition. His great work on the Spanish Inquisition, which is soon to appear in four vol- umes, will supplant all the older treatises, the best known of which is LLORENT, Histoire critique de V inquisition d s 'Espagne, 4 vols., 18 18. RoDRlGO, Historia verdadera de la Inquisicion, 3 vols., Madrid, 1876. The chief modern work from a Catholic standpoint. Eymeric, Directorium Inquisitorum (see above, Vol. I, p. 397). This manual, prepared in the fourteenth century, continued to be regarded as a standard during the sixteenth century and later. Reusch, Fr. H., Der Index der verbotenen Bile her, Ein Beitrag zur Kirchen- und Literaturgeschichte, 1 vols., 1883-1885. Reusch has reprinted the rarest of the indices in Die Indices librorum prohibitorum des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts, 1886. The Spanish Inquisition. The censor- ship of the press and the Index.