Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/236

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198 Re a di Jigs in European History The Nether- lands. Wars of religion in France. England under Elizabeth. For the history of the Netherlands, a great mass of original material is available, much of which has been published during the past fifty years, — for example, Collection de memoires sur I histoire de Belgique aux XVI e , XVII e , et XVIII 6 siecles, 47 vols., 1S58-1875. Gachard has edited the Correspondance de Philippe II sur les affaires des Pays Bas, 5 vols., 1848-187 5, and the Correspondance de Guillaut?ie le Taci- turne, 6 vols., 1847-1857. (See ample bibliography at the close of Ruth Putnam's William the Silent and in the Cambridge Modern History, Vol. Ill, pp. 798-809.) For France during the wars of religion we have two distinguished contemporary historians : De Thou (d. 1617), who has given a remark- ably impartial account of the troubles in his Historia sm temporis, first published in 1604 (a French translation was published in 1659); and Theodore Agrippa D'Aubigne (d. 1630), whose Histoire univer- selle (1 550-1601), edited by De Ruble, 7 vols., 1S86 sqq. (Societe de l'histoire de France), is written from a Protestant standpoint. This D'Aubigne must not be confused with Merle D'Aubigne (d. 1872), whose worthless History of the Reformation is all too commonly met with. Sully, Memoires des sages et royales oscouomies d'estat, etc., in Michaud and Poujoulat, Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, Vols. XVI- XVII. These well-known but unreliable reminiscences were dictated by Sully to his secretaries, after his retirement from office. They may be par- tially controlled by the Recueil des lettres missives de Henri IV, 9 vols. {Documents iuedits), 1843-1876. There is no good critical edition. Lavisse, Vie de Sully, 1880. Abbe Jousset, Henri IV et son Temps, 1894. TlLLEY, A., The Literature of the French Renaissance, 2 vols., 1904. Petit de Julleville, Histoire de la langue et de la litterature fran- caise, Vol. III. Marsden, History of the Early Puritans, 2d ed., 1853. Taunton, The History of the fesuits in England, 1380-/773, 1901. A valuable account by a Catholic. Walsh, W., The fesuits in Great Britain, 1903. Emphasizes espe- cially their political role. Hume Brown, History of Scotland, Vol. II. Rait, Mary Qiteen of Scots. Gives the contemporary records in regard to Mary. Hume, Martin A. S., has published several important special works on Elizabeth's time. Among these are The Great Lord Burghley (1898) ; The Year after the Armada (1S96) ; Philip II of Spain (1897) ; Treasoti and Plot (1901).