Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/563

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Europe and Napoleon 525 VIII. The Downfall of Napoleon Six months after the battle of Leipzig Napoleon finally renounced, for himself and his heirs, the thrones of France and Italy (April 11, 18 14), and on the same day concluded the Treaty of Fontainebleau with his enemies. His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon, on the one part, 452. Treaty and, on the other, their Majesties the emperor of Austria, of Fontaine - the king of Prussia, and the emperor of all the Russias, which Napo- both in their own names and those of their allies. . . . leon abdi- • 1. His Majesty the Emperor Napoleon renounces for cates ( A P nl himself, his successors, and descendants, as well as for all the members of his family, all right of sovereignty and dominion as well in the French empire as in the kingdom of Italy and in every other country. 2. Their Majesties the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Maria Louisa shall retain their titles and rank, to be enjoyed during their lifetime. The mother, brothers, sisters, nephews, and nieces of the emperor shall retain, wherever they may be, the titles of princes of his family. 3. The island of Elba, adopted by his Majesty the Emperor Napoleon as the place of his residence, shall form during his life a separate principality, which shall be possessed, by him in full sovereignty and proprietorship. There shall be given to the Emperor Napoleon, besides full proprietorship of the island of Elba, an annual revenue of two million francs. . . . 5. The duchies of Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla shall be given in full proprietorship and sovereignty to her Majesty the Empress Maria Louisa. They shall pass to her son and to his descendants in the direct line. The prince, her son, shall assume from this moment the title of Prince of Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla. . . . Eleven months later Napoleon returned from Elba, but was met by the following declaration of the allies, who were in conference at Vienna.