Page:Readings in European History Vol 2.djvu/564

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526 Readings in European History 453. Decla- ration of the allies after Napoleon's return from Elba (March i3i 1815). The powers who signed the Treaty of Paris, reassembled in the congress at Vienna, having been informed of the escape of Napoleon Bonaparte and of his entrance into France with an armed force, owe to their dignity and the interest of social order the solemn declaration of the senti- ments which that event has inspired in them. In thus violating the convention which established him in the island of Elba, Bonaparte has destroyed the only legal title to his existence. By reappearing in France with projects of disorder and destruction, he has cut himself off from the protection of the law, and has shown in the face of all the world that there can be neither peace nor truce with him. Accordingly, the powers declare that .Napoleon Bona- parte is excluded from civil and social relations, and as an enemy and disturber of the tranquillity of the world he has incurred public vengeance. At the same time, being firmly resolved to preserve intact the Treaty of Paris of May 30, 18 14, and the arrangements sanctioned by that treaty, as well as those which have been or shall be arranged hereafter in order to complete and consolidate it, they declare that they will employ all their resources and unite all their efforts in order that the general peace, the object of the desires of Europe and the constant aim of their labors, may not be again disturbed, and in order to secure themselves from all attempts which may threaten to plunge the world once more into the disorders and misfortunes of revolutions. And although fully persuaded that all France, rallying around its legitimate sovereign, will strive unceasingly to bring to naught this last attempt of a criminal and impo- tent madman, all the sovereigns of Europe, animated by the same feeling and guided by the same principles, declare that if, contrary to all expectation, there shall result from that event any real danger, they will be ready to give to the king of France and the French nation, or to any gov- ernment which shall be attacked, as soon as shall be required, all the assistance necessary to reestablish the