Page:Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1904).djvu/101

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considerable artistic and poetic fancy herself. She produced several water-colours and designs which, albeit based upon her husband's style, display genuine originality and some considerable skill.

23.This is a picture of a single female half-figure, now in the possession of Mr. T. H. Ismay.

24.Poet, engraver, and painter, 1757-1827. In reciting the names of those poets whose influence tended to nurture the mind of his brother, and helped to educe its own poetic endowment, Mr. W. M. Rossetti mentions the name of Blake as receiving his peculiar meed of homage.

25.W. M. Rossetti has kindly drawn attention to the fact that this book contained a number of miscellaneous designs by no means limited to such as apply to the Songs of Innocence. There were also a great many writings in verse and prose in it.

26. 1847.

27.Biographer, 1828-61. Wrote the Life of Blake. Rossetti was intimate with and had a deep esteem for him. He died as he was approaching the end of his excellent and now fully-appreciated labours on the Life, which was originally published, with selections from Blake's poems and other writings in 1863. Another edition appeared in 1880.

28.The author of these Recollections errs in assigning a collaboratorship to Rossetti. Rossetti supplied Gilchrist with some valuable material, but not with any contributory writing of his own. Having died before the book was published, but not before it was substantially completed, his widow, Anne Gilchrist, prepared it for the press. But as she considered it expedient to avail herself of Rossetti's assistance in certain defined portions of the work, he undertook all the editing of Blake's writings in