Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/121

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Fresh motions will but freshen our attempts, And yield occasion to essay in arms What former strivings have but faintly shown. At least, be sure, till future times approve, That hell's immitigable wrath no ease Shall find, no respite e'er demand, nor truce Accord, till thou be fetter'd at my feet, Or I sink helpless 'neath thy boasted pow'r. When this last be, hereafter let abide, Believe not shortly, nor by thy decree."

Thus the vain braggart, helplessly transfix' d On loftiest peak of Ural's glacial chain, By turns deplores, raves, vents his spleen, and dares Before whom cowardly he quails. Meanwhile, The changing seasons longer not delay To bring the fullness of that promised morn, Which smiles upon the rising Hope of man. All that the Seers saw, and prophets sang, Or Israel fear'd, had full completion found. From Juda's hand the sceptre now had pass'd, And Edom sat where David was enthroned ; From Juda's loins no lawgiver arose, Since Caesar o'er him cast his iron sway. The weeks of Daniel ended, ready stands, The Saint of saints to usher in his year, When, Sin's dominion past, iniquity No more, but everlasting justice, reigns. Isaias, sing, as none but thou canst sing, The glories of the Orient's dawning year ; For thou art present, visible to me, And, not the least, rejoicest at the day, So plainly sung, so full foretold by thee :

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