Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/122

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" A Virgin hath conceived and bears a Son ; To us a Child is born, a Babe is given, The Prince of peace, whose government shall rise, Increase, and spread, and never know an end. Upon the throne of David shall he sit, To order it in righteousness and peace. Rejoice ye peoples, Salem's daughters sing; Your King behold, who desolate makes glad, Makes wilderness with lilies bloom and rose. Libanus shouts his praise, and Camel's top, Her beauteous garb puts on, while Saron leaps With joy, the glory of her Lord to see. Instead of thorns, the fir-tree now springs up, The myrtle, in the place of prickly briars. The wolf reposes with the peaceful lamb, Leopards, in friendly mood, with kids abide, And lordly lions sort with bleating calves, Whilst youths disportful gaily lead their bands. Strengthen your hands, ye feeble, and confirm Your trembling knees ; faint hearted, courage take, For God himself descends your strength to be. See him, ye blind, and every deaf man hear; Leap as the hart, ye lame, praise him, ye mutes, Who sets the tongue of every dumb man free. Fresh waters in the deserts spring, while streams Through arid wilds strange courses take and blend Their humble song with seas tremendous roar. The pilgrim pauses in his path to see New cascades leap from out the crusted rocks, Or scoop fresh waters from the sandy plains, Where cascades fell, nor waters flow'd before. The dens where dragons former dwelt, now wave

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