Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/227

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And John's disciples, to the Master's care

With love bequeath'd. Simon the leper, heal'dj

Bartimeus blind; then, who his bed took up

And walk'd, his palsy cured, his sins forgiv'n ;

His brethren, James and Joseph, Simon, Jude,

Believers now, with hope, love, joy and peace,

In his blest footsteps, glad with others tread.

Nor fails to find his place, though distant, he,

Who to the Master came by night, and learn'd

The mystery of the newer birth, without

Which, none approved, the heav'nly kingdom see;

So Zacheus, chief the publicans among,

His zeal displays incongruous from the tree.

Conspicuous in the way, Cleophas comes,

Near kinsman of the Lord, with Alpheus ;

Whilst Lazarus more near, amidst the throng,

His loud hosannas to the Saviour sang;

Refret melodious, borne on num'rous tongues

Of men, and holy women not a few,

Who of the Saviour's grace had freely drunk;

A throng innumerable, all whom to name,

Nor mortal tongue be found, nor ear to hear,

Though each be written in the book of life.

Supreme midst these, as first in merit, She,

To whom the angel hail said, 'bove all bless'd;

Though reticent, retired apart, as best

Beseems the pattern of humility ;

On either side by two sustain'd, who bore

Her name, and humbly shared her faith, her love, ^

Devotion, and her zeal ; this, Magdalen

Surnained ; that, she, who chose the better part,

Which nor the world could give, nor take away.

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