Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/228

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So Martha, from much serving now released, The one thing .needful carefully attends. Salome next, with Susan, and Joan, Not less their pious ministrations lend, Who all, from Jesus, some rich blessing gain'd, Nor thought too much their substance thus to yield, And ready service, to requite his love. So Lucia, now in legal wedlock bound, Her place finds in the midst those joyful bands; With utt' ranee glad, her twofold spousals sings, And loud hozannas to Messias come. Not less replete in numbers, nor with love Less glowing, came that earnest band, whose babes, The Saviour to his bosom pressing, bless' d, And set before his chosen as the sign Of meek simplicity, confiding love, Through which alone the kingdom is attain'd; Whose voices now, amidst the frequent throngs, In silver sounds of sweetest melody, Complete the diapason of his praise. Far o'er Judea's plains the music floats, Hosanna to the Son of David, King ; Their lisping babes repeat the hallow'd cry, Till echoing rocks return the rapt'rous theme, Hosanna to the Son of David, King; The hills rejoicing, multiply the sound, Soft breezes waft it on their trembling waves, Hosanna to the Son of David, King ; . Blessed is He, who cometh in the Lord.

Whilst meads, and vales, and Jordan's amber flood, Cascades and fountains, streams, and sparkling rills, Awake their voice, and loud hozannas sing.

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