Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/229

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From Israel's utmost bounds the triumph rolls ; All hail Messias bless'd, and own him Lord.

Sarephta pours her numbers copious forth ; Libanus' fruitful vale unites, nor less The plains, brow'd by fair Herinon's snowy range. Batanaea, to half Manasses' sons Allot, irriguous vale, from Canatha To Galaad outstretch'd, which Argob ruled, And Astaroth, where moon'd Astarte reign'd, To other precepts now lend chasten'd ear, And other praises warble on their tongues. So Zabulon, the land of ships, to Tyre And Sidon seafaring, on thither side, On this, by Cisson copious enlaved, Their sons from Abila to Hepha send, To join the chorus of Immanuel's praise. Nor fail Tiberias' coasts, where most his works, And most his mighty pow'r, were free display'd, From Gerasa to Gelbus, fields of blood, Adusted long by dev'lish malice, spite ; But now redeem'd and fruitful made in works Acceptable, by David's royal Son, Last of the prophets, last of Juda's kings. The last Anointed, whom the people sing. Nor Perea stands remiss, by Ammon fenced, By Arnon, Jordan, Pell ; for in his train, The sons of Reuben, from those rugged heights, Incrassate numbers pour, con join' d with Gad. And so Samaria, frequent dotted o'er With sacred footprints of the Son of God, Her grateful tribute to his honor pays ; Who now believing, hastens to adore

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