Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/230

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Messias found ; from every fertile field,

Each sunny hill, from busy mart and town,

The beauty of her daughters, pride of sons,

Free homage grateful, thus profusely yields ;

And with the seed of Benjamin and Dan,

With Simeon's sons, and Juda's, that believed,

In waves tumultuous roll, far as from shore

Of dread Asphaltites to middle sea.

A band more dense than that, and fervent more,

Which from the land of bondage came, across

Arabicus, through Shur and Setim led ;

More num'rous these, more earnest, and more glad,

The air with shouts and jubilation fill ;

Messias victor hail, the Prince of peace,

Victor o'er sin, and death, and hosts of hell,

Author of grace, the Way, the Truth, the Life.

On Olivet's commanding brow, at length The Mediator stands. Before him winds Gehenna, vale of death, grim gate of hell, Which they from Hinnom name, and those sad fields Of judgment yet to come, harsh Josaphat; Whose fires to Moloch, strong with human flesh, Unsuaged with human gore, perpetual burn, Insulting heav'n, and loud for vengeance call. Beyond, o'er this dread vale, stupendous rose That sacred hill, mount Sion, thence beside, Those other three, Moriah chief, where stood The house of gold. Not that by Israel's king, Replete endow'd, where glow'd the Mercy seat, The cov'nant Ark, the altar's sacred flame, And where between the golden cherubim, Shekinah mild his radiance diffused,

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