Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/240

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Who mightier than himself among hell pow'rs?

And hath his mightiness not this same test

Applied in vain, when from the pinnacle,

Or mountain's top, he fain would cast him down?

Nor mind ye not, when on the sea, all hell

In tempests blew outrageous, mingled sea

And sky, fierce rove their fragile bark athwart

The nappy waves, that at his simple word,

The waves grew calm, the frighted furies fled,

And zephyrs softly fann'd the placid lake?

Thrice we the hearts of Jews perfidious fired,

To take up stones to stone this charmed Man ;

Thrice, unpurturbed, he pass'd their midst unharm'd.

Once, to the brow abrupt of Sion's hill,

They led him, with attempt to thrust him down j

But walking through the press, invisible,

Or blinding them, as those of Sodom once,

Fiercely who did besiege the patriarch's house

To rape with men, and felt in vain the door;

So he, like easy 'scaped, and went his way,

Whilst they, at fault, confused, still sought him round.

Since then he laughs at our despite, estopp'd,

And thus accretive grow the following crowds,

From our side won, and number'd as his own,

Whilst we, if he but speak, before him fly,

Who of our hosts will venture Him t' assail?

Or, but his daring hand lay on the mane

Of Juda's Lion, and expect to live?

This query I propound, that all may hear,

Lest unawarn'd, they heedhss rush within

Destruction's gaping jaws, or whimp'ririg flee,

With terror wiug'd, whilst vengeance swift pursues.

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