Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/241

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So dangerous a scheme then I forefend, As sure redounding to renew'd defeat. But if I lead your sense, or catch aright Your ear, stand thus advised No vi'lent hand Lay on the Sou of God, nor those, who him Obey; but close besiege, inflame their lusts, Or flesh, or pride of life, each to his bent ; With beauty, wit, and wine, incite, allure : Give every soul his spright, or ten, if one May not suffice ; inebriate their sense, With sensual joys, thoir passions eager feed, Nor give them moment respite from your toils. Hell must be poor indeed, in strategy And guile, it some fall not; but. fall, some must, And drag the weak with scandal down, engulf 'd In the same vortex, passionate, pollute. And if there be, who stand, let them not pass, But blacken and defame ; infix the brand Indelible, of every nameless crime, Child murder, incest, wantoness impure, Deep graven on their front, that all may see, That infidels may laugh, deride, blaspheme, And, true or false, harass them with infame. Thus, whilst we slay not, we perite destroy, Defeat his aim, and who would serve, deter."

Abrupt so ending, sat the lustful fiend, When Mammon, low debased, his lead thus took:

" Beauty, I yield, chiefs, and wit and wine; And what else delights, to whom these, as baits To lure withal, prefer, and not object; But claim my province is, with stronger ties Than utmost passions, to seduce mankind.

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