Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/242

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Who sets my idol up, cannot serve God;

Nor this, so call'd, his Son. So he hath taught,

And ye may well believe. 'Tis easier far

To thrust a cable through a needle's eye,

Than him, who worships me, conduct to heav'n.

What more could hell desire ? What more achieve ?

Remind ye not the rout of Jacob's sons,

At Hai? how Achan fell, by me ensnared?

And what the curse, him and his house o'erwhelm'd?

Were ye not witness when Giezi fell,

Lustful of the Assyrian's glitt'ring stores,

And when he from Eliseus' presence went

Accurs'd, a loathsome leper, white as snow?

Shall gold with these, less pow'rful prov^ than those?

I trow not ; but more rather. Ye shall see

Dissensions, scornings, spite, betrayal, hate,

Pride, envy, malice, jealousy and guile,

From this source spring, the love and greed of gold.

Lordly, the rich shall turn their heads away

From their poor brethren; and so most, when from

The dregs they lowest spring, and plume themselves

As gods, nor feel the deathless worm at heart.

The holiest bonds shall sooner break by this,

Than withs which Samson bound; traffic, shall priests,

Most sacred things for gold; sell faith, sell hope,

And charity the chief; fawn on the great,

Cleave to the rich, and evitate the poor.

Nor less the masses, for this cause, with hell

In compact firm, their souls to death will bind.

Thus shall the Eden, which this new Man builds,

Of all its verdure nipp'd, frosted, soon fade,

Whilst winds blow frore o'er every gen'rous deed,

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