Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/252

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In scele'rous council daft the Son of God. A grand rotunda 'twas, deep, spacious, broad ; Whose stately dome, of azure deck'd with stars, On massive columns, polish'd porph'ry, stood, Corinthian carved, and patined thick with gold. The floor with variegated marbles shone, A cunning work, that wond'rous skill display'dj Whilst purple hangings, vi'let, green, and blue, With silken cords in ivory circles run, Around its walls their ample foldings threw. A triple row of amber, odorous lamps, With oil of myrrh burn'd, spices, sweet perfumed, Hung pendant from the roof on chains of gold, With jacinth gemm'd, crystal and orient pearl ; Though not their wonted brilliance now diffused ; But lurid glare cast round, with ghastly shades, And sulph'rous tainture of the Stygian pow'r, Who, present, his malignance baleful breath'd, On those, who there in dev'lish conclave sat; Chiefs of the Pharisees, Doctors of Law, Princes of Priests, the Levites in their rank, Scribes of each sect, and base, perfidious Jews. High on a throne, exalted 'bove his peers, Caiphas supreme the rash assemblage ruled; Th' Abethdin next, sustain'd the right, in place, Shacam, the left, and thence in lengthen'd line, Each of the Seventy in his own degree. When thus their chief, with malice caliban, And rage against the Just, his cause disposed :

Princes of Israel, Doctors of the Law, Ye scribes, to whom it wisely appertains The sons of Abraham to teach, give ear ;

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