Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/253

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And you, ye priests and levites, this attend.

Let minor differences be laid aside,

All meaner questions merged, for graver themes

Demand your care, and shrewdest counsels move.

You all do know this Nazarene, this Pest,

The Son of Joseph, who is Jesus call'd ;

How he disturbs the people, them misleads,

Seduces, and withdraws from Moses' law :

What mischief he in Jewry works ; what lies

He teaches; sabbaths breaks; ourselves defames;

Consorts with sinners, and foments their brawls.

You, hath he not abused ? call'd vipers, fools ?

And charged with all hypocrisy and guile ?

White in appearance only, full of crime ?

And at your door laid all the just blood spill'd,

Since Zacharias was between th' altar

And the Temple slain ? What further would ye ?

Do not these suffice your anger t' arouse,

And draw your vengeance justly on his head ?

Then learn how he blasphemes this sacred fane.

' Destroy this Temple !' so he says ; and thus,

In mock'ry adds ' I'll build it in three days !'

Shallow device ! Not daring he to lay

His sacrilegious hand upon its gold,

Would tempt the fools, who hear him, to destroy ;

Doubtless but glad, to see its glories bite

The dust, that he, with naught to loose, might seize

Its wealth, and 'mong his rabble base, divide.

And stops he here, suppose ye ? or believe,

He makes himself a God? Nay, nay, good friends,

Withold a moment, and, I pray, be calm.

Yes, makes himself a God ! Messias ! King !

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