Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/321

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Obey'd ; but demons own'd his pow'r ; disease And Death before him fled, and wond'rous more, The heav'ns disclosed, and Heav'n's own voice, aloud Proclaim'd him, Son of God. That he is slain, And Israel still in bonds, alone doth bar, That he is truly, whom so long we wait Messias, Israel's Hope and promised King. And yet, when the Messias true shall come, Will his abearance more with truth accord ? Or will he greater works than this man do ? Can greater works be done ? or Heav'n say more Than This is my beloved Son, hear him ? Amobean thus th' Evangelist return' d : " Doubt not, but something more lies hid beneath The mysteries, that dim our clouded minds ; Some greater mystery perhaps, or than The greatest he hath offer' d, us to try, Our love to prove, our faith attest, to whom So much already hath been shown. Did not He sift us so, when at Capharnaum, He taught Who eateth me, alone shall live ; My flesh is meat, my blood is drink indeed. A mystery he afterwards defined ; Then not, though many from him turn'd away. If he be not Messias as believed, And as so many wonders him proclaim, J Twere well that this delusion thus should end. But, if he be, then is the end not yet ; And that same Pow'r, which hath unsealed tombs, And waked so many from the sleep of death, Some motive latent keeps, some purpose hides, Which, when reveal'd, shall Israel's safety prove,

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