Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/322

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Her fetters break, her treach'rous foes subdue ; And He, with vict'ry crown'd, (how I know not,) As David's son and heir forever reign."

Thus they, despondent, reason' d as they walk'd, Revolved the past and present in their minds, Surmised the future, but believed Him dead, In whom their faith and hope had long reposed. Close by the road, secluded from their view, A by-path led its devious way across. Thither the Crucified had turn'd his steps, And came beside them, walking in the way. In the first blush of ruddy prime he seem'd, With hazel eye, redundant locks and beard ; A vest of dazzling white, in ample folds, His graceful form descending scarce conceal'd; A purple cloak, his manly shoulders bore, With legal hems, and tufts Mosaic blue. Much did they marvel at his noble mien, And much, from whence he came, and who might be, But strange were holden, that they knew him not. Meanwhile, he greeting " Peace be with you," said, And easy inclination graceful made. " Peace," they return'd, but wonder'd at his voice, Than lute, or pipe, or dulcimer, more sweet, That with mild influence to their souls convey* d, The benediction his blest lips bestow'd. Their salutations given, Jesus said :

"What manner of discourse is this ye hold ? And why doth sorrow thus impress your brows ? Some inward grief perhaps, or public care, Or sad bereavement of some cherish'd friend. If I perchance your thoughts divine aright,

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