Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/350

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Conducts me, rev'rent, through the final day,

What escort now, on Olivet attend

The Conqueror back from earth, to those blest realms,

Where peace and joy with Him forever reign.

Sing, Muse, the chiefs, so happ'ly late released

From Limbus, who that day saw Jesus rise,

And midst the throng, with alleluias, first

Made entrance glad, to Sion's blissful courts;

Messias' convoys, and his trophies, won

From Sin's dominion, through that direful death,

Whereby he purchased life, to them restored.

Men rich in virtue, faith, in wisdom skill'd,

Crown'd with all good, much praised in their day,

And in memorials traced by virtue built,

Good works, kept in remembrance by their seed;

Lights of a shadowy* age, whose genial rays,

With luminous track, dispand earth's glummy sky,

Turn types to substance, emblems warm to life,

And all concenter in Immanuel's day.

First, Adam, son of God, earth's fed'ral head,

Sore mulct for his incontinent defect,

Now purged from sin, no more the thicket seeks,

Afraid the voice of God, but chiefest stands,

Through promised Seed restored. So Abel just,

His sacrifice accept, here views the Lamb,

His holocausts portray'd. Noe', found perfect,

Who, patient, reconciliation preach'd,

And saved a remnant of the drowning world,

Next marshals that long line, which sin withstood,

(Compute from Jepheth, Sem, by Noe bless'd,)

Who planted seeds of grace in th' infant world.

Nor less in glory, he of Ur, father

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