Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/351

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Of nations, great for faithfulness approved,

Who thence the seal of faithfulness received,

In promise of innumerable seed.

Isaac the chief, who later Jacob had,

Father of twelve, the heads of sep'rate tribes,

Of whom his fav'rite, Joseph, formed the crown,

Made as the starry hosts in multitude,

And frequent as the sands of bord'ring seas ;

Not singly, each by each, the patriarch chiefs,

But num'rous come, attended by their sons,

Whose names were number'd, and whose deeds of faith,

Renowned stood, in annals of their tribes.

First, he who Israel from Phithom led,

By Ramases, and through the land of Nile,

With marv'lous works, and high and mighty hand,

To Phasga, whence the promised land he view'd,

From Galaad to Dan, as Segor far,

And plain of city' of palms, but enter'd not,

Nor press'd its sacred soil, till now the mount

Of God receives him ; him and that Levite,

Who, for bold speech, and eloquence renown'd,

Made Egypt tremble till his quest was gain'd,

Though oft refused, and sore the tribes oppress' d.

He 'twas whose brow, with holy oil anoint,

Diffused wide fragrance, as like gentle dew,

The precious unguent fell, o'erspread his robes,

Bathed his sacred feet, and strew'd the ground.

Then third in glory, Eleazar's son,

Good Phinees came, who, when the people

Shameful fell, uprightly stood ; and, moved with zeal,

Avenged their sin, and Israel's God appeased.

Next t' him, that valiant captain, son of Nun,

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