Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/60

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Of a Deliv'rer's birth, to our part turn;

Let gen'ral expectation hail his rise.

"Whatever name ye find it best to use,

Or Pollio's, or great Augustus' son,

Son of Octavia, still make him seem

The Saviour ; call him every flatt'ring name ;

Make him a god, so ye but them deceive.

Affix the reign of peace, such as it is,

To his high birth ; thus shall ye blind the world,

Till we in other fields our part enact,

And conquer Him who comes, or God, or man.

No moment lose; up, arm, advance; diverse

Though be your ways, by diff'rent counsels led,

Let concord bind you in your firm intent

To mar all good, evil perpetuate,

And every heaven into hell convert."

Th' infernal powers heard with plaudits loud ; Loud as the sound of roaring seas, or voice Of troubled waters, which, contending, meet In some dark gurge, and thund'ring force their way. Each, though contentious, easy found his part, And learn'd how discord might harmonious work, In devious ways to reach the same bad end. So, in the world's convention, lately held In modern Babel, seated on the Thames, Men of opposing aims, of diff'rent creeds, With fierce contention urged their sev'ral plans ; Then, after long debate, with angry spume Inspersed, agreed to disagree, so each But still with pigmy efforts strive to wreck The Ark of God, upon their wordy sea. Such moment opportune the Devil chose

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