Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/61

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The grand Tartarean council to disolve. Straight from his lofty seat, as Etna huge, And fiercer than her fires when most inflamed, Descends the Dragon, and, through countless fiends, Press'd on his way. Furrow'd to right and left, They sway, as waves when some huge admiral Deep ploughs the main, then, foll'wing in his wake, Aquoseous return ; each knows his place, And each, spontaneous arin'd, battalion'd, march, A serried host, wide spread, in long array, Banner'd and panoplied, with bick'ring flames. Just outside Pandemonium, and hard by Lethean gulph, a calcined plain extends, Full many' a league. Thither th' infernal pow'rs With speed repair, and, (so quick spirits move,) Instant complete their terrible array. Three lines, broad as the lum'nous zones of earth, And thrice their length, extend their thronged files, Strong marshall'd in their sev'ral kinds, perite Deploy 'd, each one to his opprobrious task. The first Hastati call, who wield the arms Of hell, its fiery darts, and hispid spears, Or mainly urge the nations to contend ; Nor seem at ease, but when contention most Abounds, and most their victims groan, embroil'd. Of these th' arch Dragon led the van ; his right, Abaddon took, the left wing, Milcom, chiefs, Who delight in blood ; than whom superior Stand in arms, none, save infamous, their head. Tabbied with livid flames, a horrid front They bear, with griffin wings and gorgou locks Endow'd, and mails of emerald embjss'd,

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