Page:Redemption, a Poem.djvu/62

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Impervious to assault from less than gods.

Subord'nate to their rule, and strict conduct,

Legions of spirits move ; all under lead

Of lesser chiefs, whose names, not loss'd to earth,

Sing heav'nly Muse ; tell how Enceladus,

Chief of the giant crew, conspired against

Jehovah, led to war his fierce cohorts,

With Mimas, and Briareus, so call'd

In hell, JEgeon by the sons of men ;

Next him, Porphyrion, a host himself;

JEgeus then, sea monster, some pretend,

And Mulciber, imp of the fiery forge,

Janus two-faced, Mavors, and Orcus huge ;

By scelerous rabble closed, black Hecate,

Daughter of eldest night, with ready' escort,

Alecto and Megsera, furies dire,

Tisiphone their chief, whose office 'tis

To set mankind at variance, fan the flames

Of war, and cruel contests e'er incite.

Not less potential ranged the second line,

By some deem'd Principes, mature in crime,

Skill'd in deceit, well fitted to delude,

And principals in every darksome deed.

These own'd the conduct of Beelzebub,

The next in power to Satan, and with whom,

He held divided empire o'er the damn'd.

Python his right, Belus his left hand took,

While Dagon, Javan, Chiron and Aon,

With many' a leader oft in annals sung;

Authors of every superstitious rite,

Builders of temples, furnishers of groves,

Each to his sep'rate sub-command repair'd.

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