Page:Religious Thought in Holland during the Nineteenth Century James Hutton Mackay.djvu/9

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Les Controverses et les écoles religieuses en Hollande. For this period I am also indebted to Christiaan Sepp’s Proeve eener Pragmatische Geschiedenis der Theologie in Nederland (1787-1858), and to Alard Pierson’s Oudere Tijdgenooten. For the later half-century De Modern-Godstienstige Richting in Nederland, by Dr Herderscheê, I have found useful, and also the younger Chantepie de la Saussaye’s Geestlijke Stroomingen—a deeply interesting collection of essays. Students who are specially interested in early Christian literature will find an account of what has been done in this subject in Het Nieuwe Testament Sedert 1859, by Van Manen (1886), of which there is a German translation. I have also read almost all the theological articles in the leading literary journals—the Gids and the Tijdspiegel. Fifty or sixty years ago they were much more numerous than latterly. My lectures are, however, mainly based on an independent study of the works of the leading theological writers, and some of them are mentioned in the course of the narrative.