Page:Report of the Park Board 1903.djvu/37

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direction to a very fine view point directly west of the lower reservoir in City Park. Although not commanding so broad a view as the other view points already mentioned, the prospect from this view point is exceedingly picturesque, because of the masses of forest trees on each side of the ravine. From here, the drive could be made to ascend to the northwest corner of the park on Kingston avenue. A branch would descend and connect with the existing drives in City Park north of the upper reservoir. North of the park the parkway would bend westward and ascend along the steep south side of the canyon of Johnson Creek, and crossing the brook would turn abruptly and run in a northeasterly direction up along the north side of the canyon to the sharp spur in King's Heights. At this point there would be a fine view if the present young trees and bushes which obstruct it were sufficiently removed. A tract of several acres which, for convenience, may be called King's View Point, should be acquired at this point, which should be cleared of trees, except low-growing sorts at the lower end. It would serve as a local pleasure ground, but its main use would be to keep the view open from the parkway. From this point, the parkway should be extended nearly west to Macleay Park. This portion could easily be made so nearly level as to admit of driving at a trot, although its narrowness and its necessary crookedness would prevent its use for fast driving. It would be exceedingly desirable to take, in connection with this parkway wherever practicable, all the steep land below it, and also a fairly wide strip above it where there are woods enough above it to make possible the effect of driving through woods. Where there are woods, occasional glimpses could be opened up of the distant landscape, thus affording a succession of picturesque effects contrasting with the broad open views to be obtained from the more prominent open view points. If the city can do nothing else in the way of acquiring parkways, it should at least secure the land needed for the eventual construction of this hillside drive, for in proportion to its cost it would be far more valuable than any other parkway possible to be laid out in the city, because of the views which it would command and the romantic local scenery which could be associated with it, and because it would be so characteristic and so conveniently accessible.

The drive within Macleay Park forming a continuation of this parkway might gradually descend in a direction a little north of west to a junction with Cornell road somewhere near the west boundary of Macleay Park, or it may be necessary, in order to secure proper grades without excessive cost of construction, to extend the drive beyond the park higher up the canyon, and more or less parallel with Cornell road. In this case, the park should, if possible, be extended westward to include both sides of Balch Creek, to such point as it might be convenient, for the parkway to cross the creek. The drive should then