Page:Report of the Park Board 1903.djvu/38

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turn and run in an easterly direction and climb on moderate grades to the crest of the northeast spur of the hill north of the present boundary of Macleay Park, where there would be a remarkably fine view point, which may be called "Macleay's View Point."

Suitable enlargements of Macleay Park, it will be seen, will provide for this extension of the hillside parkway to a sufficiently satisfactory terminus or objective point, for, of course, such a drive should lead to something worth while as well as being provided with features of interest along its route.

It may be necessary to be content, in the matter of hillside parkways, with this one from the Park Squares to Macleay Park, and it surely would be such a grand and unique parkway that the people of the city would be able to boast of it for all time; but the project of extending this hillside drive both above and below the city is so extremely attractive and at the same time apparently so well within the bounds of the financial possibilities of the case, if taken in time and if assisted by the co-operation of land owners, that its extension should be very carefully studied by your commission, and every effort made to secure the land for it.

The Northwest Hillside Parkway could be continued from Macleay's View Point as many miles as can be afforded along the north flank of the hill, either up to and along the top of the ridge where it would command views in both directions, or nearly on a level in the midst of the woods, bending into the ravines and out around the spurs, with pretty glimpses between trees of the distant landscape and of the snow-capped peaks, or what would be better still, both routes could be developed. A parkway following as nearly as possible the crest of the ridge in a generally northwesterly direction north of and roughly parallel with Cornell road, could be made to develop a considerable number of extremely attractive sites for country residences. The two roads might be connected so as to provide a loop drive extending as far from the city as may be thought desirable.


The city is most fortunate in possessing this park containing part of the deep, romantic, wooded ravine called Balch Canyon. Few people know and love this beautiful sample of the magnificent timber which formerly covered all the hills and ravines in the city. Aside from the luxuriance of the woodland vegetation there is the added charm of seclusion to a degree rarely found in a public park. The steepness of the sides of the ravine and the narrowness of its bottom make it available for a comparatively small number of visitors at a time. One narrow