Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/19

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The tr:u-l,~ \'i~iled hr Sunni were the nhjw-l nf genlngirnl investiga- tion during the lirili~h «xpeditinn I-onimmulml by Captain Sir GEORGE NAM} In 1875) 75. .\ uulullel' nl fossils \u-I'u roller-tail from about the same lnrnlities as thnse ll'Olll \vhivh Sum-:1 brought his collections Iv. g. [min Virtorin l’lt'tltl on Hairlie Peninsula and Nnrnmn Lnrkver Inlmutli Only nne nr twn forms. hum-vet urn mentioned h'nm these 1rlnre~: the nmjnrity nt the (ti-«Inriru

ilurinn Inhils frmn these regions were «nllerlvil farther In the northeast lay the said expedition.

Ulqu “3133‘” Lmhm-v l‘lv Yum“: Min-“$14

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Smith Sound. Grunlund

The results nl the expedition were culleeleil in “The Geology of the Cnast All [he Arctic Lands visited by the late British Expedition under lluplnin Sir ‘Gizuncr. N.\nr,> . by Feililen and De Rum-o. and "l’nlmnnlnlogy nt Ilm Linnsh etr". hy l'ltheridge. bnth in the Quarterly ,lnurlml ol' the (ieol. Soc of Lundun Vol. 34a 1878‘

Subsequently. the PEAIH' expedition, whirh was ulmnnl rnulempomry

with Scuzi’s, collected In» ' at Princess Murir Buy in lSttS These were

Ilesrrihml hy H. t’. WuiTFiKLn in "(lltsel'YflliolL‘ and llescriplions nI Arrtir Fossils", Bull: nf the American Museum of Natural History, Vol XIII, 1900‘

The pre-camhriun rocks to the south of the Cambro siluriau beds in the region of Bache Peniuauln and the neighbourhood were described by C. Bruce, [rum the collecliuih brought track liy Scum, the lists