Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/20

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189871902. No ~_’\.l 'l'llt‘l L'Altlltltttrt)ltllttVtUlAN BEDS. 0

runlnined in lllt' diarim. and llw analyses carried out alter the return, in "Pt'trngrapth'lw ltesnltate derilen Frnm-l‘prmlition"1. These rorka, ised liy containing l’ltltlllttlt' pyroxenl prosumahly belonging to a newer division

whirh roinpri-v lunth arid and more linsir deep-eruptivem [all charaut

of the nrchmnn rut-ks. runstilnle the prinripal tealure~ of the mountain mass south ol lturhanun Bay. Hayes Snund and Beitstad Bay,

Upon thew I'llt‘ke then tollow northwards the younger sedimentary beds from iniderneatlr

The 1 ol the hells, i» situated at the south-eastern corner of Bnrhe Peninsula at Cape Camperdoml. Item at llu- hothnn. the older ernptives can

still he seen. rumisting according to Bun

itr at which Scum :‘tndied more particularly the oldest portion

at n hyperslIlene-quartz- potash hydllllt' Ahove this ayenite we have the oldest sedimentary beds with a <light N-N-W dip.

Scum thus describes the ~erie.~ at Cape Cmnperdmvn in hi.~ ,,l’re- limin. Nor egiun l’nlar ‘ixpwliliun ut the “Pram”. (Journal ut the Royal Geographical Son-ier lttl’t‘tli

‘y Report on the Geological Olliervatiuns made during the Second

“Granite rrops out at Cape Calnperdown on Bat-he Peninsula and is overlain hr an "a

me". in part runglomeralml varier of sandstone. disposed in flat strata that dip towards the mirlh-nortlrwesl, ttx’ thiLL- ne» srarrely exn-eeds 500 feet. although the contour l"

tax rumidoraldy

higher in POIISHIIICIIUU Or the intri ‘ion of ili:i|>a.~e-. whirh attains al-

together a thinkness of probably 10 teet. The upper atl'tltfl nl this sand stone, which have been gradually metmnorphused, p- N5 over by alternati- stratification into a series at grey urenarvous and Inarly shales and limeston conglunwrates, These conglomerates and st'lltsts arranged in alternate laye's that vary lrum a tew inches to S or 10 leet earl! in thickness are huilt up into n >eries that attain a total tltlfklleas at 650 to IOOU leet, but are interrupted by two compact ttt‘da ul yellowislrgrey lime stone some 160 leet in thickness.

These again are overlain by a similar series to that heneath, except that the limeatune conglomerate: predominate uvvr the shades. In a tletarhed “boulder” which in all prohahility tlflll fallen from one of the beds of yetlmrislrgrey limestone just menliuumt Wu discovered trace: ut fossils. 7 7"

Report of the Second Norwegian A lir Expedition in the Fran: 18% 7 I902. Not 2%. Pnhlished by Vido-nvlmimwlskapol i Kristinniu. 1910. 2 Described by BUGGIZ