Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/21

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t; nt..\t-‘ [tltt.'l'EttAHt,. [st-2C. AFCT. EXP. rqu

\\'v* tune that a [N pieces from the beds mentioned almve at Cape Cam- perdmvn, Various santlstnnes are in evidence. red and grey. fine grained

llld t-uurse grained, Snnu‘ plninly exhibit ripple murks nu the upper

sun-tuna A mirrnst-npir st-t-timt at a line grnined sandstone rows ~I)Ill('“lI-'|l rounded grains of less than 05 m. m, in size. alnmsl entirely

uilh hut at [Mr

t'l)||~l~tlllg ul' quart . 'ains nt felspur. A met: of rear er

'n. stunning grains as large as several m.m.s, contains nun-h more


piex-e nt lime-mruglumemte t'rnm the tnwer portion of the seiimentury

lnr. t‘spI-Ciall)‘ ttttl't'llL‘ltltl'. lh'ee pl. 4. tig. Ett. We also tiud a heautilul

wries. th'ue pl.1’t.tig. [0). This shows piee ‘ up to 1 dm in size. at a lying in a lighter and

x nt ratrite frequently also with

grey Innestoue. extremer t-mnpurt in some par

t'umlmratively mnrse

quartz grains. The pehhles in the main are rather flat or iticnlur

As regards the tint pehhles the distribution shows an indication of parallelism.

The limestune in which the tussil remains were found in loose

pieces. is a very tine rrystalliue yellowish-grey rock.

As regards the fossil remains themselves. they are deplorany trag- mentary. \Ve hare some inrmnptete pieces of a quite small trilobite form: sume true cheeks. a Very impert'ert specimen of the eeutrul part of the head shield and one imtmnpletc pygidium.

The speeimens, nt which same are represented in pl. 4 lig. I73. belong illtlnltltledly to a Ptyclwparia sp. hut no exact identitieutinn run he made with the above material. The specimens show a very close (uniformity with r rtuin ut the [’lg/r/toparia turn ' HALL nnd \\'n Nevadu. in ‘

dest'l'tltwl by n a» ('I'apicapllulns trum the t’nstllnm Group in

  • ul. ‘prluratiun ut the |“nrtieth Parallel". In the

term of lmth the cheek and at the pygidium the (there turm has very near P. an!)th tl. t p. 219. pl. II. fig. 19 21]. and also the twn tnrms P. nitidus (p. 2l2. pt. It, tigs. S. 10] and P. simulator "1.2218. pl. ll. tigs. 16—18). \rhivh ‘VALCUTT in "The Pulenntnlngy (it the I‘Iureku distrit-t" p. :37. mmtnines into one turm, 1‘. tl'ilidtts

“ALL and \\'Itrrlucl.n. The ventral lml‘tlnlt (It the head shield 9 hit

5 wine diviulinu truui thut Int the [nuns ulum- iuentinned. It has n nnrruu‘cr trunlal limh, and also the [mint sutures divergele .

markedly. As regards the w-ntral portiun (It the rephulon. this agrees IIL'tlel' with that nl‘ l’. "Misti/cums. shown in "Hunt, l-Ix ll. of the Forth. t’ur," pt. It.

lig. 22.