Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/474

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1898—1902. No.3t3.] SUMMARY OF GEOLOGICAL liliFUl/l's. 5

As a general statement it may he said that the Pre-Cnmhrimi igneous rocks of Eastern Ellesmere Land and the l’oulke ‘jord region of(ix'eell- laud contain hasir. intermediate and more acid representatives of a series \‘ery chnrnrtoristir by its t-onlent of orthorhombic pyroxene tbronrite or hypersthenet We have the lmsir type: Imrite. the inter- mediate: lu'om‘ite- lhyperstheue-t quartz diorite. nlso hanalite and hyper- slhene-t[uarlz-potash-syeuite, and tiually the more arid: hronrile- (hyper- sthene-I ndumelhle.

In the Pre-Camhrian in the llavnefiord district, reins of diorile-por- ce has found to he rather similar to rn that in Eureka Sound and other

’te or<~ur. which ltl'

has hrought from mrsnzoir serie distrn-ts of lho far NMlll-‘Veal, and which he arvordiugly thinks may

also he of relatively young nge. Furthernmre, this diorite-porphyrite seems

to he related to the plutonie rm ' just mentioumL and Bruce asks the question whether also those "my not be younger than f‘x'e-(Iaiiilu'ian.

As far as the present author run ':e from SCHEi's notes and photographs,

such a thing is out of the question. The upper surfare of the igneous rocks mentioned is. wherever it appears. a surface of erosion. a peneplain upon \‘tftfl‘lt the younger sediments were deposited (see pl ll. fig. 1], and not an upper surface of an intrusive body The younger igneous masses are all hypnhyssal or Volcanic rot-ks, and occur in the above mentioned districts in relatively very small quantities In the llavnefjord district they are not mentioned at all hy Scum.


The paleozo sedimentary rocks resting dircrtly on the, Pre-Cmnhrian

base levelled surface are nirely seen in different districts of Ellesmereland and vicinity. both in the Smith Sound- and Jones Sound regions

At Reindeer Point, on the north side of Foulke l". rrtl [see fig. 1 page 18) the hounder hetween the l’re-Cumhriau plutnuic rocks and the over- lying sandstone. of which the, lower part is red, the upper whit' hr is seen about 100 uL above sea-levet 0n the sandstone, which has a visihle thickness of 1:20‘150 m. rests «lizlltase.

The puleozoic deposils ill the region of the Bnrhe Peninsula have been treated in a paper by the present author. no. 28 of this report.1 At Cape Cauiperdown SCI-IE! found, resting on the Pie-Cambrian, beds of coarse sandstone with intrusive diahase, and higher up shales and

i The, tzmninuordavician beds or Burhe Peninsula and neighbouring regions of Ellesmerelaml. Kristiunin, 1913.