Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/475

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OLAF HOLTEDAHL. [SEC ARCT. EXP. FRAM limestone-conglomerates, and above these beds of limestone. In loose pieces of Ibis latter rock were found fragments of a Ptychoparia, probably a iifv -prrif.-. v.-l too incomplete to be specifically determined. The form indicate Middle or Upper Cambrian. Above the limestone again come limestone-conglomerates and a yellowish-white limestone, 100 m. thick. Here were found fragments of trilohiles, Ptychoparia sp., llhcnurns sp., besides numerous but very badly preserved O/'Moceras-specimens. Still higher were found beds of quart/, -nndstone alternating with limestone, and finally a 30 m. bed of limestone, where also traces of fossils were found, badly preserved gastro- pods. among others an incomplete specimen of a Madurea, and a frag- mentary pygidium, belonging to a Bathyuriscus or Ptychoparia form. 1 he stratigfaphic position of the two fossiliferous limestones just men- tioned is, in all probability to be found near the Cambro-Ordovician boundary. in the highest Cambrian or basal Ordovician, the Ozarkian of ULRICH. The total thickness of the above-mentioned sediments, which may be easily studied on the east coast of Bache Peninsula, is not less than 7 800 m. Limestone beds with a distinctly younger fauna, are found in Norman Lockyer Island, 18 km. to the north of Victoria Head. Here the following species in well-preserved specimens were found. Halysites catemdaria var. gracilis HALL. Calapcecia canadensis BILLINGS. Streptelasma corniculum HALL. Mesotrijpa cf. discoidea var. orientalis BASSL. Callopora angidaris ULRICH. Rdfinesquia dt'ltaiden Cox. Plectambonites sericea Sow. Ortliis tricenaria CO.NH. Rhynchonotrema hxri/nirahns CASTELX. Trochonema cf. umhilicdtnm HALL. Gonioceras occideiitale HALL. Tltuleops ovata CKMI. ilens (BtoiHt.stns ?) sp. fabuliles CONR. This fauna it undoubtedly of the same age as the bulk of the forms desciilifd by SCHUCIIKKT from Silliman's Fossil Mount, Frobisher Bay, 1 belonging to early Trenton. 2 1 On tli- lower Silurian (Tienton) Fauna of Baffin Land. Proe. U. S. Nat. IiiM-iim XXII. r.MIII, and furllier: Nnloon Arctic Paleozoic Fossils. Am. Journal of Si-i.-nn- XX XVIII. I'.MI. ,,. H2. 3 In WILLIS: Slniti^rapliy of Norlli America, p. 217, ULRICII in a note considers UK- liori/oii nl Sillimans K.^.sil Mount to belong to upper Black Hivcr.