Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/50

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Be it ordained and declared, by the delegates to this Convention, in convention assembled, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same, That the amendments to the constitution of this State, adopted by this convention, be submitted by the governor to the people, on the second Monday in November next, thirty days notice having been given, and that the polls be opened by the respective sheriffs, and kept open for three successive days, at the several election precincts in each and every county in the State, under the same rules and regulations, as now exist, for the election of members to the General Assembly. That the said sheriffs be required to compare and certify the results of the elections, on or before the Monday following, and transmit the same in twenty days thereafter, to the governor of the State. That all persons qualified to vote for members of the house of commons, may vote for or against a ratification of the amendments. Those who wish a ratification of the amendments, voting with a printed or written ticket, "Ratification"—those of a contrary opinion, "Rejection."

Further, That it shall be the duty of the sheriffs to make duplicate statements of the polls in their respective counties, sworn to before the clerk of the county court: one copy of which shall be deposited in said clerk's office, and the other copy be transmitted to the governor of the State, at Raleigh.

Be it further ordained by the authority of the same, That when the returns aforesaid shall have been received, the same shall be opened by the governor in the presence of the secretary of state and treasurer, and in case of a majority of the votes polled shall be in favor of a ratification of the amendments, the same shall be forthwith made known by a proclamation of the governor