Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/51

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to the people of the State. And thereupon, the governor shall cause to be endorsed on the amendments, as enrolled by order of the convention, or shall annex thereunto, a certificate under his signature declaring that the said amendments have been ratified by the people of North Carolina, and the secretary of state shall countersign the said certificate, and annex thereto the great seal of the State, and the said amendments so enrolled with the certificate aforesaid shall be forever kept among the archives of the State in the office of the secretary aforesaid.

Be if further ordained by the authority aforesaid, That the amendments thus ratified shall take effect, and be in force, from and after the first day of January, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and thirtysix: Provided, however, that the governor, the council of state, the secretary of state and the public treasurer, who may then be in office, shall severally continue to exercise their respective functions until the governor, council of state, secretary of state and public treasurer appointed under the amended constitution shall enter upon the duties of their office.

Ratified in Convention, this eleventh day of July, anno Dom. one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive.
Edmund B. Freeman, Secretary of the Convention.
Joseoph D. Ward, Assistant Secretary.