Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/735

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  • WILLS AND TESTAMENTS, (Continued.)
    • Commissioners' duty in making the allotment, 624.
    • Legatees to contribute proportionally, 624.
    • What decree the court may make on the return of the commissioners, 624.
    • After a decree, the petitioners to be deemed legatees and devisees, 624.
    • If no petition filed by an after-born child within two years, executors to file a bill or petition of interpleader, 625.
    • Guardian to be appointed by the court, if the infant have none, 625.
    • Petition to be a lien on the lands devised, 625.
    • Devise may be made of an estate held for the life of another, 625.
    • Such estate, when not devised, shall be assets in the hands of the heir of the tenant for life, if he take it by special occupancy, 366, 625.
    • Certified copies of wills or deeds from other states to be received as evidence, 263.
    • When some executors refuse, those accepting the trust, or administrators with the will annexed, may sell lands according to the will, 281.
    • Subpœna for witnesses, how to issue, 160.
    • Subpœna returnable immediately, when to issue, 160.
    • How subpœnas may be served, 160.
    • Witnesses to attend from term to term till discharged, 160.
    • Penalty on witnesses for non-attendance, 160.
    • Witnesses shall be entitled to pay, if they attend after the suit is settled in vacation, unless notified, 160.
    • Witnesses swearing falsely to obtain a ticket, guilty of perjury, 161.
    • How witnesses shall be exonerated from forfeiture and costs for non-attendance, 161.
    • In what cases depositions of witnesses may be taken, 161.
    • Clerk to pass upon all depositions, 161.
    • Notice to be given to the adverse party of the time and place of taking depositions, 161.
    • Under what circumstances depositions of witnesses may be taken before the cause is put to issue, 162.
    • In such cases notice to be given, &c., 162.
    • Witnesses refusing to give testimony in court or before commissioners, to be committed, 162.
    • Witnesses, during their attendance to be exempt from the service of all civil process except subpœnas, 162.
    • Pay of witnesses for their attendance, 162.
    • After the removal of a cause, subpœnas and commissions to take testimony may be issued from either court, 162.
    • Witnesses to prove their attendance at each court, 163.
    • How they may recover pay for their attendance, 163.
    • Witness tickets to be filed with the clerk to be taxed in the bill of costs, 163.
    • Party cast to pay for but two witnesses to prove the same fact, 163.
    • Subpœnas for witnesses to attend commissioners, &c. how to be issued, 163.
    • Pay of witnesses for attending commissioners, &c., 163.
    • Testimony of colored persons incompetent against white persons—Admissible against each other, 163.
    • In what cases a subpœna duces tecum may issue, 165.
    • Pay of witnesses in state cases, and how they shall be paid, 220.
    • Witnesses to attend and give evidence in contested elections—Penalty for failing, 300.
    • Pay of witnesses for attending in such cases, 301.
    • Justice, in cases within his jurisdiction, to direct witnesses to be summoned, which shall be done by the officer, 358.
    • Penalty on witnesses for not attending, 358.
    • Forms of oaths to be taken by witness in certain cases, 433.
  • WOMEN.
    • No female shall be taken or imprisoned for debt, 155, 328.
    • Women entitled to benefit of clergy, 197.
    • What words spoken of women shall be actionable, 570.