Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/736

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  • WOODS. See Burning Woods.
    • Superior courts may grant writs of error—Proceedings upon them, 64.
    • Time within which writs of error must be brought—Proviso for persons under disabilities, 65.
    • Time within which writs of error for matters of fact must be brought, 65.
    • Wreck districts laid off, 626.
    • Commissioners of wrecks to be appointed—Their bond and oath, 626.
    • No officer of the United States to be a commissioner, 627.
    • Duty of the commissioners of wrecks, 627.
    • Commissioners to advertise and make sales, 628.
      • to render an account of sales, 628.
    • Their compensation, 628.
    • How sales to be advertised, 628.
    • What to be done when there is a wreck without any person to claim, 628.
    • Persons finding wrecked property, what to do, 628.
    • Punishment for stealing or embezzling wrecked property, 629.
    • Penalty on commissioners for abuse of trust, 629.
    • Persons finding wrecked property at sea, what to do, 629.
    • Compensation to commissioners, when no owner appears, 629.
  • YEAR'S PROVISION. See Widow.