Page:Ritual of the Order eastern star (1921).djvu/110

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Order of the Eastern Star.

You will please give your assent to the obligation of office.

Do you each sacredly promise to support, maintain and enforce the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of this Grand Chapter; be obedient to its orders and directions and to the best of your knowledge and ability, impartially and faithfully discharge the duties of your office; and use your utmost endeavors to make yourself useful and your station honorable, in the office with which I am now about to invest you?

They severally assent and the Installing Officer will then seat the Grand Chapter, the officers elect being seated together and the ceremonies will proceed, as follows:

G. M. Grand —————, I have the honor to present for installation, Sister —————, duly elected Grand Matron for the ensuing year. Our sister is fully aware of the great responsibility she is assuming, in the acceptance of this important position, yet she is willing to undertake it, in the belief that, with the aid and assistance of the sisters and brothers and by the help