Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/639

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48 George III. Cap. 48, Royal Assent 27th May, 1808.

9 George IV. Cap. 97, Royal Assent 19th June, 1828.

THE first act for executing this useful work was obtained in 1808, under the title of 'An Act for making a navigable Cut from the East Side of the River Tees, near Stockton, into the said River near Portrack, in the county of Durham; and making various other Improvements in time Navigation of the said River between the town of Stockton and the Sea.' By this act certain persons are incorporated as "The Tees Navigation Company," with power to make a navigable cut from the Tees, from the bridge across that river at Stockton to the junction of the same with the sea at Portrack, and to make the same navigable for ships and other vessels, and to improve, open, dig, widen and cleanse the said river, with its creeks and outlets, in any part between Stockton and the sea; and also to remove, cut through, or otherwise destroy any rocks, shoals, shallows or other obstructions lying near the bar or mouth of the said river, for stopping the present course of which and for diverting the same, they are also empowered to make embankments, which, however, must be maintained at their own expense. The proprietors have power to enter and use lands for the purposes of this act, proper compensation being made to the owners thereof; for the settlement of which, commissioners are appointed by the act, with authority to fill up vacancies. For completing the works the company may raise £7,000, in shares of £50 each; and, should this prove insufficient, they may raise an additional sum of £5,000, either by the creation of new shares, or by mortgage of the works, or on optional notes.

For paying interest on the capital advanced, borrowed money and other contingencies, they are authorized to demand the following


For every Ship trading to or from the Tees, from or to any Port in Great Britain 0s 6d per Ton.
For ditto, to or from any Foreign Port, except British Vessels laden with Norway Timber only 0s 9d ditto.
For every British Vessel laden with Norway Timber only, trading to the Tees 0s 6d ditto.