Page:Rivers, Canals, Railways of Great Britain.djvu/640

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For every Foreign Ship trading to or from the Tees, from or to any Foreign Port, except Foreign Ships laden with Norway Timber only 1s 6d per Ton.
For ditto laden with Norway Timber only 1s 0d ditto.

Ships of War, Ships in Distress and all Vessels in his Majesty's Service are exempted from these Rates.

The company have also a power to erect light-houses on or near the bar of the Tees, and to charge for them, on every vessel passing the bar, the following


For all British Coasting Vessels entering or going out of the River Tees with Goods chargeable in the aforesaid Tonnage Duties at the Rate of Sixpence per Ton, for each Lower Mast 5s 0d per Ton.
For all British Vessels from or to Foreign Ports chargeable with the aforesaid Tonnage Duties at the Rate of Sixpence and Nine-pence per Ton, for each Lower Mast 7s 6d ditto.
For all Foreign Vessels chargeable to the aforesaid Tonnage Duties at the Rate of One Shilling and One Shilling and Sixpence per Ton, for each Lower Mast 10s 0d ditto.
For all British Vessels entering only for Anchorage, for each Lower Mast for passing Inwards and Outwards 7s 6d ditto.
For all Foreign Vessels entering only for Anchorage, for each Lower Mast forpassing Inwards and Outwards 15s 0d ditto.

In the year 1828 the company obtained a second act, entitled, 'An Act to enable the Tees Navigation Company to make a navigable Cut from the East Side of the River Tees, near Portrack in the county of Durham, into the said River near Newport in the township and parish of Acklam, in the North Riding of the county of York.' By this act the company have the usual powers for making the projected cut, granted to them; they are likewise authorized to raise, for the purposes of this act, £20,000 by the creation of new shares; and they may, if needful, borrow £30,000 in addition to the said £20,000. Dividends of £10 per cent, to be paid annually on shares created under both acts, providing first for the paying off of the regular interest on £3,000 borrowed under power of the former act, and the interest on such sums as shall be borrowed under this act. The proprietors may, from time to time, lessen the rates and again advance them, if requisite; they may also reduce the dues on foreign ships and goods. Owners of land on the north side of the canal may keep a ferry-boat on the same; and the canal is declared to be free from any control of the Commissioners of Sewers. There are other clauses