Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/43

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"Resolved, That Day Nurseries should be established and maintained in every manufacturing town at the public expense.

"Resolved, That our Mayor and the press be furnished with a copy of these resolutions." [Hands the written resolutions to the chairman, and resumes his seat.]

Member [from his seat]. I second the motion.

Chairman. It is moved and seconded to adopt the following resolutions, "Whereas," etc.: [reads the resolutions] . Are you ready for the question?

Mr. I [rising]. Mr. Chairman.

Mr. H [rising]. Mr. Chairman.

Chairman. Mr. H.

Mr. I [still standing]. Mr. Chairman, I rose first and addressed the chair.

Chairman. Mr. H offered the pending resolution and as he claimed the floor with reasonable promptness he is entitled to recognition even though Mr. I rose first. Mr. H has the floor. [Mr. I resumes his seat.]

[Mr. H is followed in debate by others. During the debate the chairman is seated, and when it is ended he proceeds as follows:]

Chairman. Are you ready for the question? [There being no response he stands and puts the question:] The question is on the adoption of the following resolutions: "Whereas," etc. [reads them]. As many as are in favor of the resolutions say Aye.