Page:Robert's Parliamentary Practice.djvu/44

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Those opposed say No. The ayes have it and the resolutions are adopted.

Mr. J [obtaining the floor]. I move the adoption of the following resolution: "Resolved, That our club give a banquet on Nov. 18."[1]

Member [seated]. I second the motion.

Mr. K [rising]. Mr. Chairman, I move to postpone———

Chairman [interrupting]. The gentleman will please be seated. The chair has not stated the question.

Mr. K. I beg the chair's pardon. [Takes his seat.]

Chairman. It has been moved and seconded to adopt the following resolution: "Resolved," etc. [Repeats the resolution.]

Mr. K [obtaining the floor]. I move to postpone the question indefinitely.

Member [seated]. I second the motion.

Chairman. It has been moved and seconded to postpone the question indefinitely. Are you ready for the question?

[After debate, which enters into the merits of the main question, the chair proceeds thus:]

Chairman. Are you ready for the question? [There being no response, he rises and continues:] The question is on the motion to postpone indefinitely

  1. Though this is a main motion it is so short and simple that usually it would not be required to be in writing.