Page:Robert W. Dunn - American Company Unions.djvu/6

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Sing a song of "Welfare,"
A pocket full of tricks;
To soothe the weary worker,
When he groans or kicks.
If he asks for shorter hours,
Or for better pay,
Little stunts of "Welfare"
Turn his thoughts away.

Sing a song of "Welfare,"
Sound the horn and drum,
Anything to keep his mind
Fixed on kingdom come.
"Welfare" loots your pocket
While you dream and sing,
"Welfare" to your paycheck
Doesn't do a thing.

Sing a song of "Welfare,"
Forty 'leven kinds,
Elevate your morals
Cultivate your minds.
Kindergartens, nurses,
Bathtubs, books, and flowers,
Anything but better pay
Or shorter working hours.